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Regional Student Research Congress in MMSU 2019
Congratulations to the students and faculty members of the College of Fisheries and the College of Arts and Sciences, DMMMSU-South La Union Campus, for winning awards in the Regional Student Research Congress in MMSU, Batac City, Ilocos Norte on June…
DMMMSU is chosen as one of 10 Elsevier IP-Based SUCs
The Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) recently selected DMMMSU as one of the 10 state higher education institutions in the country to have an IP (Internet Protocol)-based access. This means that DMMMSU is…
5 DMMMSU-NLUC faculty members graduate at UP Los Baños
Congratulations! Five faculty members of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, North La Union Campus, Bacnotan, La Union successfully completed their respective master’s degrees and graduated on June 22, 2019 at the University of the Philippines – Los Baños,…
Newly designated University and Campus Officials inducted into office
DMMMSU’s newly designated Function Directors, University Coordinators, College Deans, Institute Directors, Program Chairpersons, and Technical/Administrative and other Services Heads for the term 2019-2021 were inducted into office on June 13, 2019 at 2:00 PM, at the Cabanilla Memorial Hall of…
2 DMMMSU-SLUC students bound for South Korea
Two senior Bachelor of Secondary Education (Social Studies) students of DMMMSU South La Union Campus are lucky recipients who qualified to attend the 2019 International Summer Program – Cultural Immersion at the Kangwon National University, South Korea on July 1-13,…