Sec.1 Freshmen Students a. Undergraduate

a.1 Students shall be accepted regardless of age, sex, nationality, religious beliefs, socio-economic status, or political affiliations.

a.2. Students must have graduated from government recognized secondary schools/Alternative Learning System.

a.3. Students must meet all the following admission requirements:

i.  DMMMSU College Admission Test ii.  Form 138 or ALS Rating

iii. Certificate of Good Moral Character

iv. Three (3) pcs. 2" x 2" and 1 pc. 1" x 1" colored pictures with white background

v.  Copy of Birth Certificate from the National Statistics Office vi. Qualify in the interview

vii. Qualify in the physical/medical examination conducted by DMMMSU or any government physician.


     b. Open University System

              An applicant to the DOUS program with relevant working experience or graduate of other programs are exempted from taking the College Admission Test.


     c . Graduate Studies

c.1  Students must be bachelor’s or master’s degree holders relevant to the degree applied for with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or better for the master’s degree and 1.75 or better for the doctorate degree.

c.2  Academic competence/proficiency shall be determined through the following:

i.  Official Transcript of Records

ii.  Recommendation of the former professor or recognized authorities

iii. Interview with the applicant or other appropriate means.

     c.3 For foreigners, policy on foreign students shall apply. Foreign students must submit the requirements as stated in section 2 hereof.

     d.  Secondary

     d.1. Students must comply with all the following  admission requirements:

i.  DMMMSU /High School Admission Test ii.  Form 138

iii. Certificate of good moral character from the school graduated from

iv. Birth Certificate from the National Statistics Office

v.  2 pcs. 2 x 2 colored pictures with white background

     e. Elementary

     e.1 Pupils must comply with all the following admission requirements:

i.  DMMMSU Elementary Admission Test

ii.  Birth Certificate from the National Statistics Office

iii. 2 pcs 2" x 2" colored picture with white background


Sec. 2 Foreign Students

     a.   A foreign student must meet all the following admission requirements of the University and the course applied for:

i.   DMMMSU College Admission Test

ii.  Certificate of Completion of a Secondary Curriculum iii.  Original Transcript of Record

iv.  Personal Data

v.   Affidavit of Support

vi.  Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)

vii. Result of TOEFL/IELTS (for non native speakers of English). viii. Student Visa

ix. Security Clearance from his/her Embassy x.  Resident Guarantor of his/her character

xi. CHED permit xii. Alien fee


     b.   A foreign student may be admitted based on availability of slot of the course applied for.


Sec. 3 Transferees

     a.   A transferee must meet the following admission requirements of the University and the concerned College:

i.   Teacher Aptitude Test (for Teacher Education students only)

ii.  Weighted average grade of 2.5 (excluding NSTP)

iii.  OTR or copy of grades signed by the Registrar for reference purposes

iv.  Certificate of Transfer Credential v.   Must qualify in the interview

vi. Physical/Medical Examination conducted by DMMMSU or  any government physician

vii. Certificate of Good Moral Character

viii. 4 colored ID pictures with white background (1copy 1"x1" and 3copies 2"x2")


     b.   Admission of transferees is subject to availability of slot for quota courses.


Sec. 4 Degree holders are exempted from taking the college admission test.




Sec. 1 A student shall register within the scheduled registration period as provided for in the approved annual academic calendar. A fee shall be imposed on late registration.

Sec. 2 A student is considered officially enrolled upon payment of the required fees duly validated by the Cashier’s Office.

Sec. 3 Individual curriculum checklist showing the scholastic standing of an old student should be presented upon enrollment.

Sec. 4 Rules on prerequisites in a curriculum are observed and followed during enrollment.

Sec. 5 Qualification for admission for undergraduate is valid for two (2) years.

Sec. 6 A student can enroll in a mixed pace (combination of group and self-paced learning scheme) to complete the required number of units per semester.

Sec. 7 Enrollment in the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency & Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) may be done anytime of the year at the Office of the Dean/Director of the College /Institute concerned.




Sec. 1 Cross-registration to deregulated private HEIs/another SUC/ within the University system may be allowed for subjects which are not offered in the campus during the time of cross registration upon approval of the Dean/Institute Director as recommended by the Department Chairperson and the Registrar.

Sec. 2  No student is allowed to cross-enroll in two or more schools within a term.

Sec.3  The University shall give no credit for any subject taken by a student in any other University/College/School if enrollment in such subject was not authorized in writing by the concerned officials.




Sec. 1 A student may apply for a shift of course subject to approval by the Dean /Director of his new course.

Sec. 2  Shifting of course may only be allowed after the term.




Sec. 1  Withdrawal of registration maybe allowed within three weeks from the opening of classes.

1a. DOUS. Withdrawal of registration shall be allowed within three(3) weeks after the scheduled face-to-face meeting.

Sec. 2 A student who withdraws his registration within the prescribed period shall be entitled to retrieve his credentials submitted as requirement for enrollment.




Sec. 1 Whenever a student has been absent from his class for three consecutive meetings or five (5) cumulative meetings, the faculty concerned shall report the matter to the Department Chairperson/ Institute Directors, for formal notification of the parent or guardian. The student shall then be referred to the Head of Student Affairs and Services for follow up. A Graduate student can be dropped after four (4) unexcused absences.

Sec. 2 An Undergraduate student who incurs absences equivalent to 20 percent (20%) of the total number of hours required in the course before the mid-term examination,  shall be automatically dropped.  If said absence is incurred after the mid-term examination, with a passing mark in the class standing and due to valid reasons, the faculty may drop the student.  However, when such absence is incurred after the mid-term examination with a failing mark for class standing, the student shall be given a failing grade.

Sec. 3 A student enrolled at the DOUS who did not take the midterm exams without prior notice will be considered dropped by the Registrar upon the confirmation of the faculty/tutor concerned.

Sec. 4 Absence due to late registration shall be considered as absence from class.

     4a DOUS. Late registration shall be considered before the 2nd face- to-face meeting with late enrollment fee.

Sec. 5 Excuse slips for absences shall be obtained from the Office of the SAS Head upon the student’s return. Excuses shall be for the class hours missed. Class work covered during the student’s absences can be made up   to the satisfaction of the faculty concerned within a reasonable period.

Sec. 6  To be considered present, the student should attend at least seventy five percent (75 %) of a class time.




Sec. 1 Every student is expected to complete his degree within the prescribed period. Under meritorious cases, however, a student may be allowed to extend the period subject to the following retention policies of the University:


Degree/Program              Maximum Time Limit


MA/MS                    seven (7) years inclusive of leaves of absence

Ph.D.                          nine (9) years inclusive of leaves of absence


Doctoral                  10 years

Master’s                   eight (8) years

Baccalaureate       eight (8) years

Certificate                three (3) years

BS Degree

4 – year                   seven (7) years

5 – year                   eight (8) years

6 – year                   nine (9) years


Sec. 2 A student who desires to transfer to another program will  be given the chance to finish the new program within the allowable maximum period to stay in the University.




Sec. 1 A student may discontinue or go on leave of absence from his program of study for a period not exceeding two (2) consecutive terms as approved by proper authorities.

Sec. 2 A student who discontinues temporarily his program of study is required to submit an approved written request for leave of absence to the Office of the Registrar, duly noted by parent/guardian recommended by the Department Chairperson/ Director/ Dean concerned and approved by the Chancellor.

Sec. 3 An approved leave of absence from the University shall not be included in the determination of the maximum prescribed period to complete a regular baccalaureate degree.

Sec. 4  A student who goes on leave for a particular semester must return to the University on the next semester immediately following the leave of absence to maintain a regular status.

Sec. 5 In case the curricular program pursued by the student has been revised, he shall follow the revised curricular program, unless he is able to secure an approval from the Chancellor/Dean/Director to continue with his previous curriculum.

Sec. 6 A student who returns after five(5) continuous years of absence from the University may be accepted for enrollment, forfeiting all units previously earned.




Sec. 1  The rules on sequence of subjects in the curriculum of the course being taken must be followed.

Sec. 2 A student is not allowed to enroll a subject without passing its prerequisite.

Sec. 3  Prerequisite subject enrolled in  for the second time may be simultaneously taken with the higher subject upon  approval of the Director/Dean and recommendation of the Dept. Chairperson as noted by the Registrar. However, if the student failed the prerequisite subject, the higher subject shall also be given a failing grade.



Sec. 1 The following standards shall be observed :

a. A student who obtains a final grade of 5.0 in 25% to 36% of the total number of academic units he is enrolled in can enroll in the next term in not more than 75% of the normal academic load. Likewise, a warning shall be issued by the Department Chairperson/Director.

b. Student who obtains a final grade of 5.0 in 37% to 50% of the total number of academic units he is enrolled in shall be placed on probation for the next semester and shall be allowed to enroll in not more than 50% of the normal academic load.

c. A student who obtains a final grade of 5.0 in more than 50% of the total number of academic units enrolled shall no longer be allowed to enroll in the same course he is enrolled in. He may be allowed to shift to another course of his interest.

Sec. 2 A student who obtains a final grade of 5.0 in all (100%) of the academic units shall be permanently barred from re-admission to the University.




Sec. 1 Substitution of subjects may be allowed when a student is pursuing a curriculum that has been superseded by a new one upon approval by the Department Chairperson/Director/Dean.

Sec. 2 Every petition for substitution shall only involve subjects allied to each other and the substituted subject shall have equal number of units or greater than the number of units of the required subject.

Sec. 3 No substitution shall be allowed for a subject in which a student failed.  However, this may be allowed when the proposed substitution substantially covers the same subject matter as the required subject.




Sec. 1 Any student may be allowed to add, change and drop subjects within a prescribed period on the following grounds: a) conflict in time schedule; b) non-completion of prerequisites; and c) dissolved/cancelled subjects.


Undergraduate                        Within 3 days from the start of classes

Graduate                                   During the first two sessions


Sec. 2  Change in scheme or mode of instruction shall be upon the recommendation of the program adviser and tutor to be approved by the DOUS Director. Individualized learners have to complete the course within six (6) months. Failure to do so results to an incomplete grade which can be completed within one (1) year.

Sec. 3 Dropping of subject after the specified period but before the mid- term examination may be allowed with the approval of the Subject Teacher and Department Chairperson/Director/Dean and acknowledged by the Registrar. A “D” mark shall be given to the student.

Sec. 4 W hen a student drops a subject after the mid-term examination with no valid/justifiable reason, a failing grade of 5.0 shall be given.




Sec. 1  Only the courses that conform to DMMMSU’s offerings are considered for validation.

a. Only courses taken from any non-deregulated Higher Education Institution (HEI) and CHED-supervised institution with a grade of “2.50” or lower can be validated. Those taken from deregulated HEIs and SUCs are automatically credited.

b. Validation shall be undertaken within the first three (3) terms from the date of admission into the University. In all cases, validation should be done prior to the semester offering of the course.

c. DOUS. Validation of courses, training activities and seminars may be given credit subject to the evaluation of a Committee

d. Undergraduate. Courses may be given credit subject to the evaluation of a Committee using   an institutional policy on validation.

Sec. 2 A validation fee shall be charged.

Sec. 3 Validation should be administered and checked by the Instructor assigned by the Department Chairperson/Director.

Sec. 4 Validation marks are either “Sustained” or “Failed” and should be submitted within the term.

Sec. 5 A degree holder from a State College or University other than DMMMSU may be credited equivalent course without validating them, provided, that such credits shall not exceed 50% of the total number of units required for graduation. The subjects to be credited shall be determined by the Department Chairperson/Director concerned.




Sec. 1 Residence Credits

a. Residence credits refer to all academic units earned and validated by the University for a particular degree.

b. Only residence credits are considered in evaluating subjects and units for a particular degree.

Sec. 2 Student Classification

Students are classified as follows:

a. A full time/regular student is one who carries the full load in any given semester as specified in the curriculum.

b. A part-time/irregular student is one who carries less than the full load specified in the curriculum.

c. A transferee is one who comes from another institution where he started studying for a course and who is now registered in DMMMSU after qualifying for admission.

d. A foreign student is one who is not a citizen of the Philippines.

Sec. 3 Curricular Level Placement

     The curricular level placement of students shall be based on the matrix below. However a course for validation shall be excluded in determining the year level.




Degree Programs








Has enrolled or has completed the prescribed subjects of:

not more than 25%

of the total no. of

units required in

his/her course.

not more than 20%

of the total no. of

units required in

in his/her course.

not more than 17%

of the total no. of

units required in

his/her course.


Has completed first year of his course or has finished:

25% but not more

than 50% of the

total no. of units

required in his/her


20% but not more

than 40% of the

total no. of units

required in his/her


17% but not more

than 34% of the

total no. of units

required in his/her



Has completed two years of his course or has finished:

50% but not more

than 75% of the

total no. of units

required in his/her


40% but not more

than 60% of the

total no. of units

required in his/her


34% but not more

than 51% of the

total no. of units

required in his/her



Has completed three years of his course or has finished

more than 75%

of the total no. of

units but has not

yet graduated in

his/her course.

60% but not more

than 80% of the

total no. of units

required in his/her


51% but not more

than 68% of the

total no. of units

required in his/her



Has completed four years of his course or has finished:


more than 80% of the total no. of units required

in his/her course            

but has not yet           


68% but not more than 85% of the total no. of units required in his/her course.


Has completed five years of his course or has finished:



more than 85% of the total no. of units but has not yet graduated.





Sec. 1 Any student wishing to officially withdraw from the University and transfer to another school, college or university should be cleared of all liabilities and responsibilities (administrative, academic and financial) in the University.

Sec. 2 The necessary documents for withdrawal such as clearance and request for honorable dismissal could be availed of from the Office of the Registrar.

Sec.3 A student who has already paid his school fees but intends to withdraw from the University is entitled to a refund of his tuition fees only.


Before the start of classes                                           


Within one week after the opening of classes              


Within the first month of classes                                  


After the first month of classes                               

No Refund



a.      For Regular Semester

Before the start of classes                                           


Within one week after the opening of classes              


Within second week from opening of classes            


Within third week from opening of classes                 


After the third week from opening of classes         

No Refund


b.     For Summer Classes

Before the official opening of classes  


Within one day after the opening of classes              


Within second day from opening of classes            


Within third day from opening of classes                 


After the third day from opening of classes         

No Refund



Sec. 1 Undergraduate

a. A student enrolled in a regular semester is limited to take the specified number of academic units in the curriculum he is enrolled in. On a meritorious case, an overload of not more than 3 units may be allowed.

b. A graduating student, on his last semester/term may be allowed to enroll up to 28 units academic load provided the student has no INC grade prior to his enrollment.

Sec. 2 DOUS

a. A student enrolled at the DOUS for an undergraduate program may enroll a maximum of 12units/semester and 6units during summer. However, a graduating student may enroll a maximum of 15 units during the semester and 9 units during summer.

b. A student with a GPA of 1.75 or higher may enroll a maximum of 12 units per semester and 9 units during summer.

c. A graduate student with a GPA of 1.5 or higher may enroll a maximum of 12 units per semester and 9 units during summer.


Sec. 3   Graduate Studies

A full time graduate student could enroll a maximum of 15units during the semester and 9units in summer.  Part time students with GPA of 1.24 could enroll 12- and 9 units during the regular semester and summer, respectively.

Sec. 4 Trainees for summer should have no other subject except OJT. During regular semester, graduating students maybe allowed to enroll a maximum of 6 units only in addition to OJT.

Sec. 5. Students enrolled in the individualized or self-paced learning who have not completed the requirements of the course within six(6) months will be given a grade of incomplete.




Sec.1 Examinations are integral part of instruction and shall be administered by the faculty member concerned in accordance with the University policies as basis for evaluating student performance. Student rating shall conform with the following system:


1.00                                    98 – 100                             A+

1.25                                    95 – 97                               A

1.50                                    92 – 94                               A-

1.75                                    89 – 91                               B+

2.00                                    86 – 88                               B

2.25                                    83 – 85                               B–

2.50                                    80 – 82                               C+

2.75                                    77 – 79                               C

3.00                                    75 – 76                               C–

5.00                                    Failure

INC                                     Incomplete                      

D                                          Dropped                           


     Graduate (Master’s/Doctoral)

1.00 – Excellent            98-100                               A+

1.25 – Very Good          95-97                                  A

1.50 – Good                     92-94                                  A-

1.75 – Satisfactory       89-91                                  B+

2.00 – Passed                 86-88                                  B

5.00 – Failed                   85 and Below                  F

Sec. 2 An “INC” mark denotes a class standing which is passing  but no final examination and/or lacking of certain requirements of the course. Completion is a special examination and/or requirements for compliance within one(1) school year. Otherwise, a grade of “5.00” shall be automatically entered in the student’s permanent records by the Registrar. In case of unavailability of the Professor, the Department Chairperson/ Dean/Director shall administer the completion.

Sec. 3 A student who receives a passing grade in a given course shall not be allowed a re-examination for the purpose of improving his grade.

Sec. 4  A faculty member is the sole authority to determine and give grades to his students subject to the provision of Sec. 2.

Sec. 5 Every faculty member shall submit his report of rating not later than the scheduled date of submission as indicated in the University Academic Calendar.

Sec. 6 No faculty member shall change any grade after the report of rating has been submitted to the Registrar. In exceptional cases, as when an error has been committed by a faculty member, such faculty must request authority from the Chancellor to rectify the error through official channels.