Disclaimer: While the University Library Department aims to provide its stakeholders all the university library materials for free, there is still a restriction on the Faculty Modules. Modules on a particular subject can only be accessed by the students who are enrolled on it.

Ask DORLADORLAAskDORLA or Ask DMMMSU Online Reference Library Assistant is the library’s response to the “new normal” environment in the academe. Since face-to-face interaction is limited, she will serve as the library’s frontliner to assist library users with their information needs. DORLA is designed to reach out, entertain and answer all of her clients’ queries.

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The OPAC or the Online Public Access Catalog is used to search for titles of books and other materials that are in the library through the web anytime and anywhere.




Electronic Resources

These are collection of downloaded full-text electronic books and journals that support the curricular offerings of the University. It also includes digitized theses and dissertations.

Kindly use askDORLA to avail of these resources.

Online Document Delivery Service

Document delivery service is available to users who wish to obtain information resources from the library via online or other platforms such as e-mail, call or text message, or courier service.

Access form here.

Library Files

Free Databases

The library provides clients with a wide list of open-access databases and their links to further enrich their research resources.

View the list.

These are common documents used by librarians for accreditation. Access for the files are restricted to library personnel.

Log in here.

Borrower’s Card Application Form

Borrower’s card shall be given to all DMMMSU students and employees and shall be used in borrowing books and library materials. Since face-to-face interaction is limited, application for borrower’s card is conducted online.

Apply for a borrower’s card.

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