INTERLOCKING TRIANGLE – represents the interdependent, equal triad functions of the University-Instruction, Research and Extension.
TORCH – represents instruction for the individual’s physical, mental, and spiritual development.
MICROSCOPE – represents science, a major university program.
TRACTOR – indicates extension activities that will promote economic development.
FIVE (5) YELLOW RINGS – indicates the five (5) schools/institutions that originally comprised the university.
TWELVE (12) GREEN VALLEYS/EDGES OF THE SEAL – indicates the year-round delivery of quality services to the community.
1981 – the year the university was established.
Hail beloved Alma Mater
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Your honored name will shine forever
Keep your glorious fame resounding far and near.
From thy portals, we learn skills unknown before
In hearts and hands keep on craving for more
Oh hail beloved institution
Never shall we stand forlorn
From you, a new era is born
To keep life smoothly moving on.
You are our inspiration
In our quest for knowledge and wisdom
You fulfill a noble mission
In instruction, research and extension
You give the best solution
In transforming our land into a great nation
And though the years may come and go
Our love for you will glow
Beloved University
We are proud of you.
We are proud of you.