Planning personnel trained on the use of Geographic Information System Software for COVID-19 Responsive-Land Use Development and Infrastructure Planning

With the aim of upskilling the planning personnel of the University on managing projections and coordinating reference system, performing common spatial data analysis and remote sensing, conducting image/raster data digitization, and integrating GIS to COVID 19 responsive land use development and infrastructure planning, the University Planning and Resource Development Unit, led by VP Priscilo P. continue reading : Planning personnel trained on the use of Geographic Information System Software for COVID-19 Responsive-Land Use Development and Infrastructure Planning

DMMMSU passes ISO 9001:2015 Stage 2 Certification Audit

The whole University went rejoicing upon hearing Shahid Mushtaq’s declaration that DMMMSU passed the Stage 2 Certification Audit, making November 19, 2020 a historic day for DMMMSU. The Stage 2 Certification Audit was conducted virtually by Shahid Mushtaq (Lead Auditor), and Eugene Librado and Rex Villaverde (Auditors) of ACS W3 Solutionz in accordance with the continue reading : DMMMSU passes ISO 9001:2015 Stage 2 Certification Audit