CF holds livelihood training for women in Sto. Tomas

The College of Fisheries (CF) trained ten women from Barangay Narvacan, Santo Tomas, La Union on seaweed (Gracilaria) processing at the CF facilities on April 21, 2022. This first of a series of livelihood and product development trainings is part of the extension project ‘People Empowerment Assistance through Continuing Education (PEACE)’ of the College. During continue reading : CF holds livelihood training for women in Sto. Tomas

DMMMSU signs first licensing agreement with ATBI incubatee

DMMMSU Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubator (DMMMSU ATBI) facilitated its first technology commercialization. President Jaime I. Manuel, Jr. signed the first licensing agreement with Mrs. Estrella R. Daclan, the licensee in the Conference Room at the Central Administration Building on May 5, 2022. DMMMSU as the licensor, through Prof. Anabella G. Valdez as the technology generator, continue reading : DMMMSU signs first licensing agreement with ATBI incubatee

15 women from Santo Tomas LU trained on milkfish processing, value addition

Fifteen women from the coastal communities in Santo Tomas, La Union successfully completed the livelihood training on milkfish processing and value addition. The training was held at the College of Fisheries Function Hall and Food Processing Laboratories on April 8-10, 2022. It was comprised of three parts: food safety standards and basic packaging, milkfish processing, continue reading : 15 women from Santo Tomas LU trained on milkfish processing, value addition

DMMMSU revives sea salt making industry in La Union

DMMMSU through the Fisheries Research and Training Institute (FRTI) is spearheading the revival of salt making industry in La Union. Dr. Andie John D. Tadeo and Dr. Junifer Rey E. Tabafunda lead this DMMMSU-funded project. “We’re thankful for Dr. Cynthia M. Rodriguez, former VP for research who gave us the idea of conducting the project continue reading : DMMMSU revives sea salt making industry in La Union