DMMMSU clinches major awards at 36th ILAARRDEC Regional Symposium

DMMMSU stood out as podium winners at the 36th ILAARRDEC Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights (RSRDH) held alongside the 2nd Regional Research, Development, and Innovation Symposium (RRDIS) on at J&V Hotel and Resort, City of San Fernando, La Union, November 13-15, 2024.  The event featured poster presentations, oral research papers, and an undergraduate thesis competition continue reading : DMMMSU clinches major awards at 36th ILAARRDEC Regional Symposium

DMMMSU researchers & development enthusiasts reap top awards at 2nd RRDIS

DMMMSU’s researchers, extension professionals, and students dominated the 2nd Regional Research Development and Innovation Symposium (RRDIS) and 5th Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development Symposium and Competition, held at J&V Hotel and Resort, City of San Fernando, La Union on November 13-15, 2024.  The Ilocos Consortium for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research continue reading : DMMMSU researchers & development enthusiasts reap top awards at 2nd RRDIS

SRDI, ASIST hold training of trainers in sericulture

Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University-Sericulture Research and Development Institute (DMMMSU-SRDI) and Abra State Institute of Science and Technology (ASIST) spearheaded a Training of Trainers Program on Sericulture which was held at SRDI from October 1 to 15. The program brought together key participants, including two ASIST faculty members, Dr. Maria R. Torqueza and Mr. continue reading : SRDI, ASIST hold training of trainers in sericulture

TESDA holds 3-day competency standard development workshop on cocoon production at SRDI

Four Competency Standard Development experts from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Central Office conducted a Seminar Workshop on the Competency Standard for Cocoon Production on October 7-9, 2024, at the DMMMSU- SRDI Training Complex. Farmer-cooperators and researchers/experts participated in the event. The Sericulture Research and Development Institute (SRDI) is developing the Competency Standard continue reading : TESDA holds 3-day competency standard development workshop on cocoon production at SRDI

DMMMSU-SRDI researchers hailed as Champions at DOST SILLAG Startup Summit and Hackathon

Researchers from the DMMMSU Sericulture Research and Development Institute (SRDI) secured the championship title in the Professional Category at the DOST 2024 Regional Sustainability, Innovation, Leadership, Linkages, Access, and Growth (SILLAG) Startup Summit and Hackathon held at DMMMSU-Fisheries Research Training Institute (FRTI), Balaoan, La Union on October 14-15, 2024. The winning team was composed of continue reading : DMMMSU-SRDI researchers hailed as Champions at DOST SILLAG Startup Summit and Hackathon