DMMMSU through its Institute of Environmental Governance together with the Municipality of Bauang, Parian Oeste fisherfolk community and members of the Young Earthsavers’ Society (YES) planted 700 mangrove propagules (Rhizophora) at Bauang Mangrove Eco-Park on 10 December 2021. The project aims at expanding mangrove green space in the area thus increasing the habitat of fishes continue reading : 700 mangrove propagules planted in Bauang Mangrove Eco-Park
DOST honors DMMMSU-FRTI Director
As part of the 2021 National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) celebration, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) conducted a recognition ceremony dubbed as “In Touch with Excellence (ITWE)” to celebrate the success, grit, and resilience of BS/MS graduates with academic honors and those who completed their courses earlier than the prescribed period of continue reading : DOST honors DMMMSU-FRTI Director
Institute of Environmental Governance holds clean-up, tree nurture activities
In support to the National Environmental Awareness Month and as post celebration of National Consumers Month, DMMMSU Institute of Environmental Governance (IEG) in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Regional Office 1 and the Local Government Unit of Bacnotan, La Union conducted clean-up and tree nurture activities along the Baroro River on continue reading : Institute of Environmental Governance holds clean-up, tree nurture activities
Rodeo Club DMMMSU Chapter helps typhoon Maring victims
Rodeo Club DMMMSU Chapter, an organization of 12 Veterinary Medicine students, delivered food packs for victims of typhoon Maring in Bangar and Luna, La Union on October 17, 2021. They were also able to reach out to families of NLUC students in other municipalities of La Union and Ilocos Sur. Each food pack contains 3 continue reading : Rodeo Club DMMMSU Chapter helps typhoon Maring victims
DMMMSU-NLUC-FRTI, partners hold 12th ‘CURe’ the Sea Seminar-Workshop
In celebration of the 58th Fish Conservation Week, DMMMSU-NLUC-FRTI and partner organizations facilitated the conduct of the 12th Communities Understand and Respect (CURe) the Sea Seminar-Workshop with the theme “Pangisdaang likas-kaya, bunga’y masaganang ani at mataas na kita” at the Ortega Marine Educational Center, FRTI Compound, Paraoir, Bacnotan, La Union on September 22, 2021. The continue reading : DMMMSU-NLUC-FRTI, partners hold 12th ‘CURe’ the Sea Seminar-Workshop