112 DMMMSU personnel whose technologies are ready for IPR protection were trained on Patent Drafting and IP Draft Critiquing at the International Convention Center, North La Union Campus on December 5-6, 2022. Engr. Emmanuel M. Mendoza who served as the Learning Service Provider for the three-day seminar-write-shop discussed the overview of IPO and IPR registration continue reading : DMMMSU capacitates technology generators on Patent Drafting, IP Draft Critiquing
DMMMSU revs up personnel on writing publishable papers
DMMMSU Office of the Research and Extension spearheaded a training-workshop on writing publishable papers for 32 faculty researchers with terminal reports across fields from the 6 operating units in the University. DMMMSU partnered with University of the Philippines in this academic endeavor which ran from November 17 to 19, 2022. On the firs day, after continue reading : DMMMSU revs up personnel on writing publishable papers
DMMMSU joins 4th quarter nationwide simultaneous earthquake drill 2022
DMMMSU participated in the conduct of the 2022 quarterly Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED). This simulation activity, which is conducted in the various units of the university, is implemented regularly and simultaneously with NSED to help promote earthquake preparedness and to test the readiness, response, and recovery plans, as well as coordination and communication mechanisms continue reading : DMMMSU joins 4th quarter nationwide simultaneous earthquake drill 2022
DMMMSU passes 2nd ISO surveillance audit; maintains ISO 9001:2015 certification
Mr. Shahid Mushtaq, external auditor from W3 Solutions, affirmed for the third time during the Surveillance 02 audit that DMMMSU’s quality management system conforms with ISO 9001:2015 standard which is based on a number of quality management principles which include top management motivation, strong customer focus, process approach, and continual improvement. Surveillance 02 audit whose continue reading : DMMMSU passes 2nd ISO surveillance audit; maintains ISO 9001:2015 certification
DMMMSU forges partnership with PNVSCA to mainstream volunteerism in the academe
DMMMSU-NLUC- Fisheries Research and Training Institute (FRTI) and Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) signed a memorandum of understanding this morning, November 4, 2022, to promote volunteerism in the academic community. PNVSCA, a government agency under the National Economic and Development Authority, is mandated by Republic Act 9418 or The Volunteer Act of 2007 continue reading : DMMMSU forges partnership with PNVSCA to mainstream volunteerism in the academe