Your publication, where does it stem from? Take it from Mr. Aban who’s not afraid to tell the world whom he does things for!Mr. Jomar L. Aban has received incentives (as listed below) from the University:• Php 10,000. 00 (National Research Presentation Award 1)• Php 10,000. 00 (National Research Presentation Award 2)• Php 30,000. 00 continue reading : DMMMSU Researcher on Publishing Researches

DMMMSU Researcher on Publication and DMMMSU Research Incentives
Wondering what/how much Dr. Eduard Manzano Albay got from publishing researches? Read on and be inspired!

DMMMSU helps grow mangroves
Faculty members of the Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) headed by Prof. Desiree A. Vilar and faculty trainers from the Institute of Environmental Governance (IEG) headed by Mr. Celso H. Jucutan presented the Professor in the Barangay (PIB) on Solid Waste Management (SWM) and Mangrove Enrichment Projects at LGU Sto. Tomas, La Union during the continue reading : DMMMSU helps grow mangroves

DMMMSU Researcher and Scholar on DMMMSU Research Incentives
Mr. Arnie G. Dizon received a laptop and Php 30, 000 as incentives for publication in 2020. This year, he received Php 40, 000 for another publication.Prof. Keneth Bayani, Director for Research, has these words about Mr. Dizon:“Mr. Dizon keeps an unmarred reputation as a researcher. As one of the youngest, he diligently and strictly continue reading : DMMMSU Researcher and Scholar on DMMMSU Research Incentives

DMMMSU continues to reward researchers for publications, citations
There is indeed money in research publications and citations at DMMMSU! For this semester, DMMMSU Research Office awarded the total amount of PhP 110, 500. 00 for research publications and citations.Mr. Arnie G. Dizon, received Php 40, 000 for his paper publication titled “Content Analysis of the K to 12 Junior High School Geography Curriculum continue reading : DMMMSU continues to reward researchers for publications, citations