As part of the 2021 National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) celebration, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) conducted a recognition ceremony dubbed as “In Touch with Excellence (ITWE)” to celebrate the success, grit, and resilience of BS/MS graduates with academic honors and those who completed their courses earlier than the prescribed period of their study and those who completed their doctoral degree program. Dr. Andie John D. Tadeo, Director of Fisheries Research and Training Institute (FRTI), was one of the awardees.
The awarding ceremony was done virtually and broadcast live via DOST-SEI’s Official Facebook Page on November 24, 2021. During the ceremony, BS and MS awardees received a medal while Doctoral degree awardees were given a Plaque of Recognition.
Dr. Tadeo finished Doctor of Philosophy in Aquaculture at the Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija in September 2020. He was a recipient of DOST-Science Education Institute – Accelerated Science and Technology Human Resource and Development Program (DOST-SEI-ASTHRDP) Scholarship for 3 years (2017-2020). Despite the limitations of movements most especially during the onset of covid-19 pandemic in 2020, he was able to complete his degree on time.
In a short exchange with Dr. Tadeo, he expressed his gratefulness for DMMMSU for allowing him to go on leave for his scholarship. He also attributed his success in finishing his degree to the Most High God, his family and friends who helped him realize his goal of specializing in aquaculture.
“Throughout my journey in CLSU, they have been my backbone. I was encouraged to keep pushing forward and to never give up no matter the difficulty because of their love and support,” he added.
When further asked who inspired him to specialize in aquaculture, he proudly mentioned his parents “who are rice and vegetable farmers”.
“My father and my mother grew up around agriculture and raised me in the industry as well. I have learned to respect the significance of people in the agricultural field and I work hard to achieve the same respect which I owe my parents.”
“Farmers — fish farmers, rice farmers, vegetable farmers – all have equal significance. Without them, we would not have food on our table. It’s time we give them the respect they deserve,” he concluded.
Dr. Tadeo finished vertically articulated programs. He also finished BS in Fisheries major in Inland Fisheries, and MS in Aquaculture in Central Luzon State University, one of the premiere institutions of agriculture in Southeast Asia, and known for its breakthrough researches in aquatic culture (pioneer in the sex reversal of tilapia), ruminant, crops, orchard and water management.
Among his researches include 1) Agar from Red Seaweed as Material for Biopolymer Films, 2) Verification on the Performance of Selected Lines of Red Tilapia Stocked at Different Densities in Tanks, and 3) Production of Solar Sea Salt in High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Platform. He is currently conducting a 2020 BFAR-NFFTC Funded Research — On-farm Trial of Improved Brackishwater Enhanced Selected Tilapia (iBEST) and Improved Red Tilapia in Brackishwater Environment. (Ayu)