DMMMSU and the Local Government of Naguilian forged agreement for the establishment of DMMMSU’s fourth campus which is to be called as East La Union Campus. The MOA signing was held in Barangay Ortiz of Naguilian, La Union on November 25, 2021.   

Hon. Raphaelle Veronica “Rafy” Ortega David graces the MOA signing
between DMMMSU and Naguilian LGU for the establishment of DMMMSU’s East La Unin Campus.
[Photo by Sonny Buenaventura, and used with permission from Hon. Rafy Ortega-David]

President Jaime I. Manuel, Jr. signed the MOA on behalf of DMMMSU and Hon. Nieri T. Flores on behalf of the Naguilian LGU. Other University and Campus Officials present to witness the signing include Dr. Elsie M. Pacho, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Priscilo P. Fontanilla, Jr., Vice President for Planning and Resource Development; Atty. Rozzanne Victoria G. Buccat-Villamin, University Legal Officer; Dr. Eduardo C. Corpuz, Chancellor of the Mid La Union Campus (MLUC); and Prof. Aurora R. Laroya, Director of MLUC’s Institute of Criminal Justice Education (ICJE).

President Manuel expressed his gratitude to Naguilian LGU for generously donating an almost one-hectare land area for the new campus, 9816 sqms to be exact.

“The municipality plays a big part in the University’s goal of providing high-quality education to the young generation,” he added.

Also present as witness was Hon. Raphaelle Veronica “Rafy” Ortega-David who expressed her full support of the project as the expansion of DMMMSU Campuses is in line with her advocacy which is to make education accessible.

The establishment of ELUC has been approved by the Board. (Josh Catbagan)

Photos | MLUC Voice