The DMMMSU Open University System, represented by its Executive Director, Dr. Joanne C. Rivera, shared its practices in flexible learning to Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) and other Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in a webinar hosted by TAU on June 11, 2020.
Aside from flexible learning practices, Dr. Rivera presented an overview of distance education (DE), the DE modes and models of DOUS, the methods that lead to successful teaching and learning in a distance environment, instructional scheduling models in DE.
Dr. Stephan Kupsch, Director of Management Information System of DMMMSU, was also a speaker during the webinar and discussed on Google Suite for education and other IT tools and services that are tailored for schools.
The presentations were helpful to the participants as schools are preparing to open classes this August, especially for those HEIs that are new to distance education and flexible learning.