Four Competency Standard Development experts from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Central Office conducted a Seminar Workshop on the Competency Standard for Cocoon Production on October 7-9, 2024, at the DMMMSU- SRDI Training Complex. Farmer-cooperators and researchers/experts participated in the event.
The Sericulture Research and Development Institute (SRDI) is developing the Competency Standard on Cocoon Production, the first CS to be registered in La Union.
Once developed and approved, the said competency will be registered to the National Competency Standards of TESDA, guiding the country’s offering of the Cocoon Production training program.
Standards are set to define the qualifications required to practice a particular discipline. A combination of education and experience will enable an individual to progress and suitably qualify for employment. An application of both knowledge and skills and the ability to perform a job under various conditions in producing cocoons for the sustainable sericulture industry. (By Delia Lopez)