In support of the cultural and educational exchange initiative of Philippine Science High School (PSHS), Ilocos Region Campus, DMMMSU-NLUC organized a campus tour for the 12 exchange students and two teacher-chaperones from Wu-ling High School, Taiwan, on October 19, 2023.
The visitors from Taiwan received a warm reception through a Welcome Program held at the International Convention Center, DMMMSU-NLUC. In the said program, they were welcomed by Dr. Elsie M. Pacho, Vice President for Academic and International Affairs. Mr. Romulo Bagacina Jr., Planning and Information Officer of PSHS Ilocos Region Campus, accompanied the delegates.
Meanwhile, they were captivated by the harmonious performance of the Northern Chorus and mesmerized by a cultural show by the DMMMSU-NLUC’s BIBAK-Bago.
As part of the educational and cultural immersion, they had a meet-and-greet with the Grade 11 students of DMMMSU-NLUC Laboratory High School Department (LHSD).
During the tour, they first visited the National Apiculture Research Training and Development Institute (NARTDI), where they were educated about beekeeping. Afterward, they walked through the Mulberry, Silkworm, and Post-cocoon research and development in Sericulture, Research and Development Institute (SRDI). They also visited the Institute of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (IABE) to explore the PAGASA-DMMMSU Agromet Station. Their last stop was the Tissue Culture Laboratory, where they discovered how minute plants are grown in a climactic chamber.
The campus tour was organized and facilitated by the Quality Assurance Office of DMMMSU-NLUC, headed by Dr. Anny Ross A. Bayan, with the support of Chancellor Junifer Rey E. Tabafunda. (By Kevin Querol)