In a display of exemplary performance and dedication to their respective roles, DMMMSU employees will receive well-deserved performance-based bonus. DMMMSU has successfully met and exceeded its targets for the fiscal year 2021 PBB.

Under the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) system implemented by the government, agencies are evaluated based on various performance indicators and assigned scores, which determine the amount of the bonus allocated to eligible employees. The PBB aims to promote excellence, efficiency, and accountability within government organizations, while also serving as an incentive for employees to strive for continuous improvement. As for DMMMSU, eligible personnel will receive 58.5% of their monthly basic salary.

In the evaluation, DMMMSU exhibited exceptional performance across multiple categories, demonstrating commitment to public service and effective implementation of programs. Here are a few key performance indicators and the respective scores achieved by DMMMSU:

Performance results: DMMMSU achieved 88.24% (15 out of 17) of the Congress approved performance targets for FY 2021.

Process results: DMMMSU has earned ISO certification for all frontline services.

Financial results: With a score of 81.13%, DMMMSU showcased commendable financial management practices. Its meticulous handling of resources and adherence to financial regulations resulted in optimal utilization of funds and transparent financial reporting.

Service Delivery: DMMMSU earned a 4.84 overall satisfaction rating, with a 100% resolution of #8888 and CCB complaints.

Meanwhile, out of 11 agency accountability requirements, DMMMSU is compliant with the following: transparency seal, Updating of Citizen’s Charter, Sustained Compliance to Audit Findings, Submission and review of SALN, Submission of FY 2022 Annual Procurement Plan – Common Use Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE), Submission of FY 2021 Annual Procurement Plan – Non Common Use Supplies and Equipment (APP-non CSE), and Posting of Indicative FY 2022 APP-non CSE.

The exemplary performance and distribution of performance-based bonuses are indicative of the government’s commitment to rewarding merit and motivating employees to continuously raise the bar. It sets a positive example for other government agencies and underscores the importance of accountability and efficient service delivery in government agencies. (By AYU)