As part of DMMMSU Foundation Anniversary Celebration, the Sericulture Research and Development Institute (SRDI) participated in the Techno-Bazaar and Exhibits last January 16-19, 2023.
The SRDI booth showcased various outputs from research, extension, and training endeavors. This served as both a learning area and income-generating activity. Some of the products displayed were silk fabric, silk shawls, silk yarn, dyed and undyed cut cocoons, mulberry trees, mulberry vinegar, mulberry hand-made paper, leis, corsage, bouquets, flowers and other novelty items.

Catering to 360 visitors (students, faculty members, nonteaching personnel, and guests), SRDI generated a total of 21 506-peso sales. It continues to promote Sericulture as an agri-based industry for income generation and environmental sustainability. (by SRDI)