DMMMSU welcomed 5 students from Universitas Kristen Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia for their two-week cultural and class immersion from November 7 to 18, 2022.
Ms. Asri Purnamasari and Ms. Benedicta Stella Fortunae, UKI’s Director of International Office and Head of International Mobility and Hospitality Division, respectively, accompanied the UKI students during the Onboarding and Opening Ceremony at the SLUC Administration Building Conference Room on November 7, 2022.
Sunrise Tagiran and Petra Alexander Wuisan will be attending attending English language and communication classes in the College of Arts and Sciences for the International Credit Transfer Program (ICT). Meanwhile, Adiranto Hia, Iman Setia Harefa and Julyakin Sembering will be having practice teaching at the College of Education Laboratory High School.
The UKI delegation were warmly welcomed by the DMMMSU University and Campus officials led by Dr. Elsie M. Pacho, VP for Academic Affairs and Dr. Joanne C. Rivera, SLUC Chancellor.
Meanwhile, Hon. Frank O. Sibuma, Agoo Municipal Mayor also welcomed UKI officials and students, and introduced them to the municipality during a courtesy call. The Agoo Municipal Tourism Office also sponsored a complimentary tour which included a visit to the Agoo Basilica Minore, Agoo Museum, Eagle of the North Park and Eco Park.
Ms. Asri mentioned that UKI chose DMMMSU as this year’s host institution for their students because of the university’s brand of hospitality.
“Our students’ experiences when they were here in 2019 is remarkable that they have become sort of DMMMSU ambassadors in UKI— encouraging our students to come and enroll with you here”, said Ms. Asri during the Opening Program.
UKI students were given student-buddies to guide and mentor throughout their two-week stay.
In June to July 2022, DMMMSU and TVET worked on SEAMEO TVET Exchange Program- Virtual TVET Student Exchange. DMMMSU provided UKI with 7 Communication and English Language, 6 Management, and 4 Engineering students; and accepted 28 UKI students for the Management and Communication Sciences classes.
This semester, 36 inbound students from UKI are attending classes with DMMMSU faculty members; fourteen DMMMSU students on the other hand are virtually studying in UKI classes for a semester. (Jesus Rafael B. Jarata)