Twenty-nine (29) teaching and nonteaching personnel passed the Front Office Services- National Certificate (NC) II offered by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan.

NC II takers were grouped into three batches and assessed on April 6-8, 2022. Prior to the assessment proper, DMMMSU-SLUC hosted “Front Line Servicing- NC II” training/workshop on March 19, 2022—with Mr. Carl John P. Pagulayan, certified TESDA trainer, as the resource speaker. The trainees were oriented on understanding the customer journey and on performing hands-on front line activities.
The said NC II qualification consists of competencies that a person must possess in order to conduct the process of making a reservation, registering and checking-in and checking-out a guest in commercial accommodation establishments— which is packaged from the competency map of the Tourism Sector
The Units of competency comprising this qualification include— among many others— workplace communication, team environment, career professionalism and occupational health and safety procedures. It also includes common competencies such as industry knowledge, workplace hygiene procedures, computer operations and effective customer service. Core competencies under Front Services NC II are the following: receiving and processing reservations, operating computerized reservations system, providing accommodation reception services, conducting night audit, providing club reception services and concierge and bell services, and cashiering services.
As a response to the DMMMSU’s philosophy, “total human development with appropriate competencies”, DMMMSU-SLUC is taking advantage of TESDA-based courses to re-tool its employees to respond to new technology or changes in industry and workplace processes.
TESDA provides direction, policies, programs and standards towards quality technical education and skills development. It aims to empower, make people and communities productive through excellent training programs and services.