The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Guidance and Counseling Unit, in cooperation with the College Student Affairs and Services of DMMMSU-SLUC went online for an enrichment activity dubbed as “CASmustahan: A Day with the Guidance Counselor” last Thursday, November 18.  

The program started with the opening remarks of Prof. Markdale I. Olarte, College SAS facilitator, followed by an inspirational message by the CAS Dean Dr. Raquel D. Quiambao and the statement of purpose by the Guidance Counselor Ms. Angelita S. Domondon.

Spearheaded by Ms. Domondon, the program called upon the expertise of Ms. Precious Sharizz Bautista, an MS Psychology graduate, licensed Psychometrician, and faculty member at Saint Louis College to talk about Mental Awareness and Resilience Framework. Ms. Bonafe B. Ramos, a Training Specialist and Section Head of DSWD-Field Office Cordillera – Learning and Development Section was also invited to share her insights on the topic: Stress Management and Coping with the New Normal. Additionally, Mr. Darel V. Mananquil, a Registered Psychometrician, Master of Arts in Guidance  and Counseling graduate, and currently a Human Resource Practitioner at Saint Louis College and part-time College Instructor of the Social Sciences Department and a Professor in the School of Advanced Studies discussed Optimistic and Hopeful Lens: Managing Academic Frustrations. A motivational speaker and aspiring play therapist, Mr. Chester Alan R. Merza, a Registered Guidance Counselor and Psychometrician who once served DMMMSU-South La Union Campus Guidance and Counseling Center and currently as faculty member at Saint Louis College also talked on the same topic.

After the talks, an open forum commenced to cater the questions and worries of the audience followed by a Counselor’s Time where a moment of “CASmustahan” and orientation on the different Guidance and Counseling Services with the students took place. This CASmustahan activity intended to give the students in the college a venue for their concerns and at the same time educate them with relevant information on how to grow holistically.

As for her part, the organizer wishes to extend her thanks to all the people behind the success of this activity especially to Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Raquel D. Quiambao; Prof. Jo Ann P. Rulla, Head of the Student Affairs and Services;  Prof. Enrico Dacanay, MIS Coordinator;  Prof. Markdale I. Olarte,  College SAS Facilitator; Prof. Zordell D. Pascua, College MIS Facilitator; Prof. Alexander Soria, the respective Program Chairs in the College, fellow counselors and guidance staff in the Campus namely, Mrs. Imelda A. Coloma, Mrs. Cecilia C. Sanchez, Ms. Heide M. Boado, Michael E. Dungan and to Campus and to the Campus Librarian, Mrs. Nancy F. Galban and staff. (ASD)