DMMMSU was awarded as ‘Outstanding Regional Partner’ by the Department of Social Welfare and Development through its ‘National Sustainable Livelihood Program’. The awarding ceremony was held via Zoom on November 25, 2021 during the SLP 10th Anniversary.

The program recognized DMMMSU’s special project, “DOST-PCAARRD-DMMMSU Agriculture Aquaculture and Food Technology Business Incubator,” as their notable partner in delivering services to improve the well-being of the marginalized, the disadvantaged, and the vulnerable.

DSWD Regional Field Office 1 endorsed the project to the National SLP based on an evaluation criteria in the selection of outstanding partners. DMMMSU-ATBI forged partnership with DSWD RFO-1 for the five SLP Associations registered as incubatees in 2019 and 2020. At present, these associations are under incubation where they are equipped with technical and entrepreneurial skills, and provided with marketing assistance and other services.

The University’s special project, “DOST-PCAARRD-DMMMSU Agriculture Aquaculture and Food Technology Business Incubator” was funded by DOST-PCAARRD and is being implemented from August 15, 2018 to June 30, 2021. The Project Management Team is led by Prof. Victoria N. Malaya, Project Leader; Prof. Anabella G. Valdez and Dr. Cynthia M. Rodriguez, Project Staff; Ms. Christine Joy T. Enriquez, Project Development Officer, Miss Dianne A. Peralta as Training Coordinator, Miss Joana Marie E. Abanes and Mrs. Erlinda Q. Balancio, and President Jaime I. Manuel, Jr. as Consultant. The services of DMMMSU-ATBI continues with the approval of “DOST-PCAARRD-DMMMSU Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubator” and funding grant of 5 million from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023. (VMalaya)