DMMMSU conducted a Range Officer’s Training at the Mid-La Union Campus and at San Juan Elyu Shooting Range in Barangay Naguituban, San Juan, La Union on September 24 and 25, 2021, respectively. Twenty Government Guard Unit personnel participated in the said training which was designed and organized by Mr. Napoleon Valeriano M. Cayabyab, the University Security Officer of DMMMSU.

In order to realize the establishment of an accredited shooting range cum Income Generating Project (IGP) in DMMMSU, there has to be a pool of Certified Range Officers; hence, the need to conduct the training. Also, the training aimed to serve as a means of addressing and mitigating the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, particularly Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) as security personnel have started manifesting symptoms of OCD- Compulsion. Mr. Cayabyab underscored that Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is commonly caused by stressful life events and experiences concerning major life changes such as having to adapt with the ‘new normal’.
During the training, experts in the facet of Range Officiating were tapped as learning service providers. They are namely Lt. Gil Quejada, Ret. PAF; and Ens. Ted Ikan, Ret. PN who are members of the Philippine Military Academy Shooting Club (PMASC), the Philippine Practical Shooting Association (PPSA), and the National Range Officers Institute (NROI). They were assisted by Sgt. Tony Bumatay, and Lt. Elpidio Farinas who are also members of PPSA and NROI.

gesture assurance of support of peace and security for DMMMSU.

The said training culminated with a simulation of shooting competition which was facilitated by PMaj. Edmund Delfin (SWAT Trainer), Mr. Jonard Dumo, and Ms. Marites Labador both of whom are Range Officers of San Juan Elyu Shooters Club.
To become Certified Range Officers, the trainees need to earn at least six (6) points by officiating two PPSA-sanctioned shooting competitions in which at least 3 types of firearms such as mini-rifle, handgun, pistol calibre carbine, revolver, or shotgun are to be used. (Raquel Dellosa)