Three hundred sixty-three DMMMSU personnel are added to the new roster of fully vaccinated employees of the University. These personnel received their 2nd dose of vaccines against COVID-19 which  was administered  in the  three vaccination sites of DMMMSU on September  1 – 3, 2021.

The North La Union Campus (NLUC) medical team successfully administered 116 doses, that of the Mid La Union Campus (MLUC) administered 151 doses, and that of the South La Union Campus (SLUC) administered 96 doses.

Last August 5-7, 2021, 393 doses were administered to DMMMSU employees. Thirty  employees failed to receive their  second dose due to unexpected circumstances.

This vaccination activity was facilitated by the Health Services Units of the three  campuses in partnership with the Provincial Health Office (PHO) of the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) under the supervision of Dr. Dan William Dacanay, Vaccination Program Operations Manager.

This undertaking is DMMMSU’s shared responsibility toward achieving a COVID-19-free community. (Alvin John L. Coloma)