Twenty- seven faculty members of the University completed the trainings offered by various reputable Delivering Thai Institutions (DTI). DMMMSU is a recipient-grantee of the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) Annual International Training Courses through online conference platform.
Through the coordination of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), its agencies and its network of Higher Education Institutions, TICA received a total of 190 submissions for the year-long course offerings.
Other faculty members are re-scheduled for trainings until 2022. Established in 2004 by a Royal Decree to serve the Royal Thai Government as a focal agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand in administering international development cooperations, TICA is principally responsible for the implementation of Thailand’s development cooperation programs in neighboring countries and other regions of the world. Various forms of cooperation include development projects, volunteer and expert programs, fellowships, scholarships and training programs. (Jesus Raphael Jarata)