June 14, 2021 – On the sixth day of the Technology in Teaching Advanced Mathematics, Research, and Development of Instructional Materials, and Data Science training, mathematics instructors of the university attended a lecture session on Selected Topics in Number Theory and Foundational Math. The invited speaker is Dr. Jerico Bacani, a prolific researcher and book author. He is a professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in the University of the Philippines, Baguio.

Dr. Jerico B. Bacani highlighted the importance of the topics in higher mathematics. Participants were asked to prove some claims or formula. He also presented some results from MS thesis and researches of UP Baguio students to encourage teachers to do research in the field of Number Theory. Furthermore, some open problems in the field of Number Theory were presented.“

The speaker Dr. Jerico Bacani discussed about different topics on Number Theory and Foundational Mathematics. One of the very important topics he discussed was on Mathematical Induction which is used in proving statements that deals with integers. He also shared about the mysteries of numbers generated from the Pascal’s Triangle like the powers of 11, triangular numbers, tetrahedral numbers, the famous Fibonacci sequence, the binomial theorem which are all good topics for investigation especially for students researches and how knowledge of these can aid students joining Quiz bees or competitions excel. Other topics we have learned were division algorithm, proving divisibility and properties, Euclidean algorithm, Linear Diophantine Equations, and on prime numbers. He also shared some publications of student researches and discoveries from investigations of analytical number theorists,” Prof. Melody R. Guzman from SLUC said when asked about her takeaways from the lecture session. #