Dazzling and majestic contestants captivated the eyes of Ka-Marianos during the virtual event of Mr. and Ms. DMMMSU- SLUC 2021 held on April 7, 2021. This year’s theme is “Recreating Resilience and Celebration of Hope”.
The contestants come from the different colleges of the DMMMSU-SLUC. Pageant host was Dr. Rodelio Indong and the panel of judges was composed of Mr. Brian G. Rivera, Mr. Raffy V. Mendijar, Dr. Leilani I. Pamo, Ms. Rhea Justin S. Fangonil, and Dr. Ofelia E. Aspiras.
Question and answer was by Dr. Rodelio Indong and Dr. Ofelia Aspiras via FB messenger.
The following were the winners:
Best in Production Number – Mr. Karl Macanlalay (CE) and Ms. April Mae Abad Gutierrez (CE)
Most Photogenic-Mr. Lionel James Nidoy (CCHAMS), and Ms. Athina Krizel Boado (CA)
Best in Sportswear- Mr. Marvin John Dulay (CCHAMS) and Ms. Dennise Nichole Dacanay (CE)
Best in Barong Tagalog-Mr. Marvin John Dulay (CCHAMS)
Best in Modern Filipiniana -Ms. Marichu Genese (CCHAMS)
Most Articulate award-Mr. Renan Shaine Cruz (CA) and Ms. April Mae Guiterrez (CE)
On the other hand, People’s Choice Award, was each given to Ms. April Mae Gutierrez (CE) and Mr. Ian Charles Mabalot (CAS); Ms. Kate Alyson Tavares (CAS) and Mr. Ferdz Jacob Baiguen (CAS) were runners-up.
Finally, Mr. Karl Macanlalay of the College of Education was hailed as Mr. DMMMSU-SLUC 2021, and Ms. Julianne Rafanan Gaborro of the College of Community Health and Allied Medical Sciences was crowned Ms. DMMMSU-SLUC 2021.
The following were the runners-up for Mr. DMMMSU-SLUC 2021:
First runner-up-Mr. Marvin John Dulay (CCHAMS)
Second runner-up -Mr.Jeremiah Calacsan (CE)
Third runner-up-Mr. Lionel James Nidoy (CCHAMS)
Fourth runner-up- Mr. Renan Shane Cruz (CA)
The following were the runners-up for Ms. DMMMSU-SLUC 2021:
First runner-up-Ms. Denisse Nichole Dacanay (CE)
Second runner-up- Ms. April Mae Guiterrez (CE)
Third runner-up- Ms. Marichu Genese (CCHAMS)
Fourth runner-up- Ms. Kate Alyson Tavarez(CCS)
Words | Nicole F. Romero
Photos | DMMMSU – SLUC Cultural Affairs Community & Julianne Gaborro