Jasper Calicdan, a 2nd year BSE-English student, won 3rd place in the recent Artistic Mask Making Contest in line with DMMMSU-SLUC Cultural Unit’s online celebration titled “DMMMSU Amidst Pandemic: Recreating Resilience and Celebration of Hope” on April 7, 2021.

Among nine participants in the said contest, Jasper secured third seat with his “peace, resilience, and prayer” themed facemask. Jasper used various types of indigenous materials such as old Christmas ornaments, glitters, brone rosary, old fabric, recycled ribbon, old ethnic necklace, glue stick, and candle to bring his artwork into creation.

“The mask represents the pandemic we are facing right now, its design includes the colors, blue, red, white, and yellow which represent our country flag (Philippine flag), the Christmas ornaments on the border of the mask represent our resilience, and the rosary and the oval figure represent our prayers and hope,” Jasper said, narrating the representation of his piece of art.

In addition, he also said that his art depicts how it brought the school closer to the Lord. “All in all, the mask shows us that this pandemic led our school to be nearer to God and prayer is the most powerful thing we needed to counter every problem,” Jasper concluded.

By John Dovi M. Gonzales