The search for the next Private Sector Representative (PSR) who will sit as one of the members of the DMMMSU Board of Regents is up. Submission of nominations will be from January 26 to February 16, 2021.

The Search Committee is chaired by Dr. Danilo E. Abayon, former President of Aklan State University with the following members: Prof. Joel C. Agullo, Academic Sector Representative, and Mr. Rodolfo Joaquin P. Nisce, Private Sector Representative.  Members of the secretariat are Dr. Antonio O. Ogbinar, University and Board Secretary of DMMMSU, and Ms. Desiree Mae Abalos, staff of CHED Chair J. Prospero E. De Vera III.  

Nominees will be evaluated based on the following criteria: (a) Achievements in the chosen profession(s) or field of specialization – 30 %, (b) solid contribution(s) to community (Linkages/community Involvement and experiences and services) –  30 %, and (c) Interview results – 40 %.

The search for the next PSR to the DMMMSU BOR is largely based on CMO No. 03 s of 2001 which states that “there shall be two prominent citizens representing the private sector who have distinguished themselves in their professions or fields of specialization”. At present, the said slots are being occupied by Hon. Mari Grace S. Galano, and Hon. Pancracio Q. Nisce. However, Hon. Gallano’s term expires on February 14, 2021; hence, the search. Private Sector Representative shall serve for a term of two years and may be reappointed for another term only.

Moreover, the following are the minimum qualifications and documentary requirements that must be satisfied by the nominees:

  1. Must be a Filipino citizen.
  2. Must be a prominent resident of La Union.

Operational definition of “resident”:

  1. Owns/rents a house and lot in La Union.
  2. Ancestors/immediate family members (i.e., parents, siblings, and relatives up to the 4th level of consanguinity) live in and are considered registered voters in La Union, and competent local authorities certify that the nominee continues to maintain links with and visits the province at least once a year.
  3. Must be at least 35 years of age.
  4. Must be a person of unquestioned integrity and probity and must not have been convicted of any administrative offense or crime.
  5. Must be from the industry (agriculture, business, technology, engineering, law, and other fields related to the mandate of DMMMSU).
  6. Must have an extensive record of employment, business, expertise, and connection with the private sector.
  7. If the nominee previously worked in any capacity with the government entity or was a consultant in any government undertaking or whatever nature, the proportion of the time the nominee served in government should not exceed one-fourth of the entire time served in the private sector.
  8. Must have solid contribution to the community in particular, and to the country in general.
  9. Must not in any way be presently employed or appointed to any position in any government agency or entity (national, local or government-owned or controlled corporation), be it on full time or part-time basis, at the time of nomination.
  10. Must explicitly manifest availability of time and commitment to the service of DMMMSU.
  • Documentary Requirements

Applicants/nominees shall submit five (5) copies (1 original copy and 4 certified true copies) of the following documents to the Search Committee Secretariat:

  1. Duly accomplished and notarized nomination form.
  2. Supporting documents.
  3. Curriculum Vitae of nominee with duly certified documents in support of data specified therein (e.g. academic records (diploma, official transcript of record), past and current employment/service records, awards received, SEC Registration of companies owned by nominee, etc.)
  4. DMMMSU-HRMO issued certification that nominee is not connected with DMMMSU.
  5. CSC-issued certification that nominee is not currently employed in any government agency/office.
  6. Original NBI clearance.
  7. Nominee’s Conforme – Nominees should indicate their acceptance of the nomination by signing their conforme on the designated portion of the notarized nomination form.
  8. Philippine Statistics Authority-authenticated Birth Certificate
  • Nomination/Submission Process

Nominators shall submit their nominations and all supporting documents to:


Chairperson, DMMMSU-Board of Regents

Chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education

4th Floor HEDC Building, C.P. Garcia Avenue

U.P. Campus, Diliman, Quezon City

And shall be submitted not later than February 16, 2021 at 5:00 PM (Philippine Standard Time) to:


Chair, Search Committee for  Private Sector Representative of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University



Secretariat, Search Committee for Private Sector Representative

2nd Floor, Central Administration Building

DMMMSU, Bacnotan, La Union

Email Address:



Secretariat, Search Committee for Private Sector Representative

Office of the CHED Chairperson

4th Floor, HEDC Building, C.P. Garcia Avenue

U.P. Campus, Diliman, Quezon City

Email Address:


  1. Nomination form can be downloaded through this link:
  • Due to COVID 19, nominations and pertinent documents may be scanned and submitted via email. However, the Search Committee shall only consider/accept nominations with complete documents.

Timetable for Selection

Target Date Activity
January 8,
1st PSR Committee Meeting to review criteria,
nomination requirements, nomination process, and
timetable for selection process  
January 11-16 Finalization of the Search Guidelines Committee members to review and approve the final draft of the guidelines  
January 18-22,
Submission to the BOR of proposed nomination
criteria, process, timetable *BOR Referendum to consider
Committee proposal
January 25,
Announcement of Search (bulletin boards, tarpaulins
in strategic places; broadcast media, official
website, social media, and other means)
January 26-
February 16,
2021 (21 Calendar
Nomination Period
February 19, 20212nd PSR Committee
meeting cum Perusal of Documents
February 22, 2021 Sending Notice and Interview Mechanics to the Qualified Applicants
February 24, 2021 3rd PSR Committee Meeting cum Interview of Qualified Nominees
February 26, 2021 4th PSR Committee Meeting cum Tabulation of Rating and
Evaluation Results
March 1, 2021 5th PSR Committee Meeting cum Finalization of
Rating and Evaluation Results
March 2, 2021Submission of the DMMMSU SCPSCR Committee
Report to the Board of Regents for its approval
(Special Board Meeting Schedule)