Happy, proud, accomplished @40.
DMMMSU, the lone State University in La Union, held its 40th Foundation Anniversary Celebration at the Ortega Memorial Center, Bacnotan, La Union on January 15, 2021. Campus Celebrations including that of the Open University System were held on January 14, 2021.
Following the theme ‘From vision to reality: DMMMSU intensifying strength @40’, the Administrative Council decided that the celebration be made simple suspending all forms of awards which are given annually to employees, students, benefactors, and other stakeholders and limiting the number of attendees because of the need to strictly follow minimum public health standards and rules on mass gatherings. This year’s celebration highlighted only the President’s Report, the Awarding of ISO 9001: 2015 Audit Certificate, and the recorded Message of Hon. J. Prospero E. De Vera III.
The supposed simple celebration nevertheless became a grand one as the Ortega Memorial Center was filled with jubilation for everyone present in the center echoed gratefulness, joy, pride, and honor that DMMMSU is finally ISO Certified.
Mr. Oscar Stiv William, Marketing Officer of ACS W3 Solutionz Certifying Body, awarded ISO certificates–one for the whole University and one each for NARTDI, SRDI, NLUC, MLUC, OUS, and SLUC.
After the awarding ceremony, President Jaime I. Manuel, Jr. extended his thanks and appreciation to all employees for their help in making ISO certification a reality for the University.
DMMMSU was assessed and registered by ACS W3 Solutionz within the framework of the Quality Management System Audit as conforming to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 in respect to the provision of instruction, research, extension, and support services. A total of 24 processes were audited, too encompassing a scope that only few agencies can achieve. (Ayu)