The National Apiculture Research Training and Development Institute (NARTDI) marked its 19th Founding Anniversary on October 5, 2020 with the theme, “NARTDI@19: CapaBEElity Building and Intensive Beekeeping Collaboration Amidst the New Normal.” This commemorates the creation of NARTDI by virtue of Republic Act 9151 in 2001.

During the opening ceremony, Dr. Jaime I. Manuel, Jr., University President and Dr. Junifer Rey E. Tabafunda, DMMMSU-NLUC Chancellor, delivered their Welcome Addresses. In their messages, they both lauded the accomplishments of the Institute since it was founded as Apiculture Training and Development Center (ATDC) in the 1980s. They also encouraged the Institute staff to continuously make advances and triumph over industry challenges.

Mr. Dick M. Segundo, an active partner-beekeeper from Buguias, Benguet, was recognized for his immense contributions to beekeeping. Similarly, Dr. Antonio E. Madrid, former Executive Director, and Forester Merlito T. Antolin, former Division Head, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, received their plaques as past NARTDI administrators. Dr. Venelyn L. Bersamira, Institute Division Head, General Administrative and Support Services, presented the other activities of the month-long celebration focused on improving personnel competence.

Dr. Gregory B. Viste, OIC-Executive Director reported the Institute’s highlight of achievements with emphasis on research, extension, planning, and administrative efforts, geared towards the realization of DMMMSU and NARTDI’s Vision, Mission, and Goals. To wind up the opening program, Prof. Keneth G. Bayani, University Director for Research, delivered some motivating words on behalf of Dr. Cynthia M. Rodriguez, University Vice President for Research and Extension, who also extended congratulations and inspirational note through a written message.

In the midst of a pandemic, NARTDI employees and executives made an effort to celebrate their fruitful years of dedicated service and their contributions to biodiversity, food security, and economic upliftment of Filipinos through the trifold mandate of NARTDI – continuous education and training, research, and extension.

Due to limitations brought about by COVID-19, NARTDI successfully conducted the program employing a blend of face-to-face following IATF safety protocols, and through virtual presentations broadcast via the Institute’s official social media page (Dmmmsu-Nartdi Apimonitor). RMPajarillo