As a member of the Ilocos Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium (ILARRDEC), DMMMSU took part in ILARRDEC’s 2020 Commodity Reviews by virtually hosting the review on Sericulture at the Conference Hall at the Central Administration Building on October 15-16, 2020.
The main objective of the activity was to evaluate completed and on-going R&D projects and to identify problems met during project implementation and recommend course/s of action in accordance with the recommendation of the panel of evaluators to further improve the projects.
Below is the schedule of reviews including topics and hosts.
During the review on fisheries, Dr. Jinnie R. Mamhot and Prof. Luis A. Tattao served as members of the panel of evaluators.
On the other hand, Dr. Cristeta F. Gapus served as a member of panel of evaluators for Sericulture.
Also, DMMMSU researchers presented their papers virtually. Below are the papers presented and their authors:
Cluster A – Textile Products
- Quality Seed Cocoons for a Sustainable Silk Industry by Edwina V. Garcia
- Development of Banana – Silk Fabric for Textile Products by Florentina Corpuz et al.
- Quality of Silk Yarn and Silk Fabric as Influenced By Different Kinds of Edible Oil During Pre-Treatment by Garizaldy G. Gaudia
Cluster B – Silkworm Rearing and Cocoon Production
- Botanical Extracts as Food Additives: Its Role in the Performance of Purelines Bombyx mori L. for Silkworm Egg Production by Janet D. Manuel and Roel Supsup
- Raw Silk and Yield and Quality of Cocoons Reared Yield in Different Cropping Practices by Edna Galano, Mabel M. Caccam, Flory Libunao
- Purelines Bombyx mori L. for Silkworm Egg Production by Janet D. Manuel and Roel Supsup
- Botanicals as Bed Disinfectant and their Effects on the Economic Cocoon Characters by Elizabeth Obra and Regina Salaza
- Impact of Different levels of Tawa-tawa (Euphorbia hirta L.) Extract on the Growth and Cocoon Yield Characters of Bombyx mori L. Jimilee M. Garcia, Regina E. Salazar, Gemma E. Arellano
- Classification and Grading of Cocoons from SRDI Assisted Sericulture Project by Jimilee M. Garcia, FM Libunao
- Reeling of Defective Cocoons to Dupion Silk Treated with Surfactants by Rubelyn V. Delfin
Cluster C – Silkworm Hybrids and Purelines
- Evolution of Sex-linked Multi-voltine Silkworm Purelines by Julieta P. Abuan, Gemma E. Supsup Maricris E. Ulat, Marlyn V. Viduya
- Screening of DMMMSU Sex-linked Bi-voltine (DMMMSU SLB) Silkworm Hybrids for Cocoon Yield and Fiber Quality by Julieta P. Abuan, Gemma E. Supsup, Maricris E. Ulat, Marlyn M. Viduya
- Performance Evaluation of Bivoltine Hybrid Cocoons as Affected by Duration byRegina E. Salazar, Jimilee M. Garcia, Flory M. Libunao
Cluster D – Mulberry Production
- Growth and Yield Quality of Mulberry with the Combined Vermicompost and Inorganic Fertilizer by Zosima Q. Carasi
- Establishment, Maintenance, Sustainability of Sericulture Farms in Strategic Locations/Conchita M. Almojuela et al.
To date, some presentations are still being continued. Papers that will advance to Regional Symposium will soon be identified. (Ayu)
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Photos by Dr. Rufo A. Baro