For Phase 2 of the Make Kids Smile extension program of DOUS, a Training on Disaster Risk Reduction and Child Protection was held on September 18, 2019 in Champions Academy, a newly established elementary school in Santiago Norte, CSF LU. Parents of students of Champions Academy were trained on how to protect their children and themselves from danger in times of disaster. Mr. Gino Mabalot, DRRM Officer of LGU-San Juan LU gave some practical tips and important information on disaster risk reduction. Prof. Claudia Denise Barbadillo, Guidance Counselor of DOUS gave some valuable insights and tips on how parents could ensure the safety, protection, and well-being of their children through effective parenting skills. By equipping parents to become better prepared in times of disaster, and by helping them to become more effective in protecting and raising up their children, the students of Champions Academy now have more reasons to smile.